During the European Dark Ages, in the year 1299, the papacy banned the Void. Philosophers and theologians were prohibited from discoursing about that which mystics perceive as paradoxically both empty and full, infinite and nothing. Those who did were forced to defend themselves against papal charges of heresy such as Meister Eckhart who characteristically lectured on the mystical significance of nothing. In the year 1600, the papacy publicly executed the Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno for theorizing an infinite universe.
Some historians credit the Void for ushering in the Renaissance because when the ban on the Void was eventually lifted, it ignited a new philosophic revolution, a time of enlightened thinking. In much the same way, our renewed interest in “nothingness” as inspired by the metaphysical implications of quantum physics is catalyzing our current renaissance or spiritual rebirth. It is pushing the parameters of our perception and birthing a new paradigm of belief. Physicists, like Dr. Inomata of Japan regard the quantum field as “the Living Void” while the late David Bohm was inspired to postulate the existence of a deeper implicate order of reality. For the purpose of revealing what that deeper order or extra dimension might look like, my book, Sacred Void, documents the Void’s predominance within philosophic, esoteric and gnostic spiritual traditions throughout history that attempted to perceive and access the Void. In addition to regarding the Void as Source, as First Cause, wisdom teachings belonging to such gnostic traditions, as the Hindu, Buddhist, Toltec, and Kabala distinguish it as a transcendent realm that can be realized by the spiritual initiate. For Buddhists, awakening to the Void or the Void nature of reality is considered to be enlightenment, the chief aim of Buddhist yogic practice while Hindus extol it as the ultimate reality.
More importantly, this book, Sacred Void suggests how we can co-create with this field of infinite potential, which throughout history was personified by the Goddess. Many creational myths, such as those belonging to ancient Sumeria, Babylon and Egypt, typically depict a god co-creating from the Void. However, gnostic and esoteric wisdom teachings foster the awareness that humans also possess the capability to co-create with this realm. In other words, it is not just a privilege reserved for the gods. For instance, symbolism universally representing the Void is identifiable within a biblical story suggesting that Christ endeavored to teach his gnostic group of followers to access this “sea” of potential. Evidence that survives from an ancient Egyptian mystery school reveals that this group used a precise methodology for co-creating with the Void as Source
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