From my perspective, the answer is “yes” to all three. From my research coupled with my own inner guidance and intuition, 2012 seems to mark the end of illusion, ignorance and materialism in our world, and it is the end of the world as we’ve known it to be. It is the end of our current historical cycle of manifestation. It is the beginning of a golden age of unity, universal oneness, and love. It is an opportunity to bring about a shift and transformation in consciousness within all of humanity. It is not a time of fear. It is a time of celebration. Life on earth will continue on. The sun will continue to rise and we must continue living our lives. The gift being offered in these changing times is the opportunity for growth, expansion, awareness, and universal connection.
Based on the knowledge of my soul and the information that has resonated with me, 2012 NOT the end of the world. It IS the end of the world as we have known it to be. It is a potential shift from an age of power to an age of love. The old paradigm is currently falling apart because it was built on something unsustainable. It was built on power, materialism and greed. Anything that no longer serves us will naturally fall away in this new golden age. It’s best for us not to resist the flow of change by clinging to old limiting beliefs, toxic relationships, dependency on ego drama or attachments to fear and doubt. This time of transformation is absolutely nothing to fear. It is time of beautiful renewal and cleansing for our planet that occurs once every 26,000 years and it is a time of renewal, cleaning, and expansion of our consciousness. It seems to me that we should welcome this transformation as a much needed shift away from everything that deludes and binds us more deeply into darkness and despair. The materialist delusion has run its course and our current civilization is more than ready for the light and expansion of this new, golden age that is upon us.
Ancient sources of wisdom from around the world point to 2012 as the crossing point. The December solstice sun of 2012 will line up with our milky way galaxy. This happens only once every 26,000 years. When the solar system aligns with the galactic center, it brings an end to this world as we know it. This galactic alignment is said to occur on December 21st, 2012. The Mayans suggests it is the completion of the cycle of evolution of consciousness. We will have reached the end of this cycle. The Mayan calendar is very objective and definite. It can be compared with the historical records that we’ve known of in our western culture. It has nine different levels/cycles, just like all of their pyramids. So, how could the Mayans predict cosmic events like this? They attach great meaning to cycles. According to them, 2012 is the completion of the evolution of consciousness. The nine cycles all end on December 21st, 2012. It is the end of this current age. It’s a cyclic event and the return to universal awareness/consciousness. The way we choose to interpret information is key. Fear mongers would have you believe that it is the end of the world, when in fact, it’s simply the end of the OLD world and the beginning of something beautiful and new. We are no longer clouded from truth, unless we choose to be. Truth = liberation.
Now is a time when we are offered the opportunity to develop our full potential as defined by the intelligent creator behind all of this. The acceleration of energy and consciousness is described as a quantum leap into a new state of awareness. This new awareness changes our perception if we are open and willing to expand our old ways of being and living in this world. If we are open, we will recognize the speed of evolution becoming infinite. Time becomes eternal. Time is something of an illusion anyway. We ourselves are eternal beings. Our consciousness is eternal. We are not physical beings. We are spiritual beings whose existence is eternal and for whom time is not relevant. Over the next couple of years, we will likely experience time moving faster and faster and increasingly our awareness will be in the now moment. it will be our focal point — the eternal now. Each day that goes by we change our awareness as it expands.
To transition positively into the new golden age and a new frequency of peace, we must choose to love those who stand with and against us. This world is a manifestation of either the love or the fear in our consciousness. We are now faced with the possibility of shifting from chaos to harmony. It’s a natural transition from one form of energy to the next. It’s a shift into harmony. We literally share a pulse with all of existence. We are all one.
As we move towards 2010, we can choose to align with our joy. In doing so, we will ride the wave forward with ease. As we trust our relationship with our higher selves, we change our vibration and open ourselves to living our full potential. If we choose resistance and fear, they will amplify ten fold. Struggle, strife and confusion are a choice. This is all a choice. Whatever we give our attention and energy to will amplify. We choose how we are going to experience the acceleration of energy. We can choose to release and let go of discord and we can choose harmony. We can choose to align with our soul more fully and ride with the accelerating energy and expand beautifully with it. We can choose to act on the synchronistic moments that will continue to expand in our lives. WE are the sole determiners of our experience. We have the choice to fully integrate our relationship with our higher selves as completely as we can. We can face challenges with neutrality, balance, and positive meaning so that we can transform them into wholeness. We can choose to trust and relax into the knowingness that we create our experience from the inside-out. When we become aware that our personal existence has a universal context and connection, and we choose to focus on our spiritual existence as opposed to our physical existence alone, we expand our awareness and experience of life.
This changing time is the end of an old energy and the beginning of a more humanitarian energy coming in with much more interest in service to others. Instead of remaining a community of followers, we become more decisive with our choices by trusting ourselves and making decisions based on information that resonates with our soul. We are no longer sheep manipulated by fear. Harmony cannot be manipulated, only chaos can. We must not allow ourselves to be imprisoned by fear. Fear closes us up. To create a positive reality, we have to open ourselves to the possibilities — a higher vision of the future. Instead of reacting in fear and outrage to anything happening outside of us, we can choose to transcend any fear-based limitations and create the highest possible future. Our consciousness cannot be controlled without our approval. Our consciousness is the source of our spiritual power.
We have the opportunity in this changing face of time to hold a spiritual consciousness through turbulent times. As we move forward in this lifetime and witness the beginning of a shift, a cosmic event, a new age, we have a choice. We have everything we need to move gracefully through this period of transition. We have the power, no one outside of us can have that power over us unless we allow that to happen. We are eternal, limitless, spiritual beings. The choices we make are very important. We have a rare opportunity right now to dawn a new age. Our true consciousness does not exist in our brain or our bodies. There is a common spiritual bond between everything and everyone in this universe. Consciousness is what shapes our reality. The only way to prepare for what’s to come is truth. Not the truth about external things. The truth within ourselves. Intention is a conscious action. It begins within. If we review our day as we wake up and create it in our minds before we begin our day, we set that vibration in motion. As we remember to do this each morning, we embrace our power and embrace our role as conscious co-creators of our experience. There is a direct connection between intentions, thoughts and feelings and our manifestations. When we do centering work, open the energetic channels within us and remain balanced while refusing to be snowed by fear, we can be much more effective as conscious creators.
Our lives are holographic in nature. What does this mean? Every emotion, feeling and response we have to any given situation affects every single person around us to some degree. The beauty is that every change we make in our consciousness — remembering our option to eliminate hate and choose compassion — that change is reflected in the entire universe because we are all connected. Any change is reflected throughout the whole. As we (day by day, moment by moment and step by step) realize that we are responsible for expanding and heightening our own level of consciousness, we also realize that we are affecting the world around us.
The grand opportunity to open our consciousness is here. Now. Our ability to perceive the world around us is going to expand. We have a responsibility to ourselves. We have a responsibility to remember who we really are. Now is the time to search within and begin a deep inner study of our universal nature. As we become eternal students of life and not followers, listening to our hearts, and paying attention to information that resonates with us, we expand and grow. The most important thing we can do in life is to make informed choices based on authenticity of spirit and integrity of the soul. So, what can we begin to do right now? Practicing unconditional love absolutely makes this world a better place. There is no denying that. We can also seek our own inner truths by listening to the voice within, finding balance in our lives, following synchronistic moments, asking questions, and choosing peace.
The acceleration and elevation of consciousness is a gift available to us right now. Consciousness always has a location. Where is yours? Remember that when you choose love, you change your consciousness. Once that happens, all of life changes.
With love and gratitude,
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