The Four Corners area of the Hopi is bordered by four sacred mountains. The spiritual center within is a sacred site our prophecies say will have special purpose in the future for mankind to survive and now should be left in its natural state. All nations must protect this spiritual center.
The Hopi and all original native people hold the land in balance by prayer, fasting and performing ceremonies. Our spiritual Elders still hold the land in the Western Hemisphere in balance for all living beings, including humans. No one should be relocated from their sacred homelands in this Western Hemisphere or anywhere in the world. Acts of forced relocation, such as Public Law 93-531 in the United States, must be repealed.
The United Nations stands on our native homeland. The United Nations talks about human rights, equality and justice and yet the native people have never had a real opportunity to speak to this assembly since its establishment until today. It should be the mission of your nations and this assembly to use your power and rules to examine and work to cure the damage people have done to this Earth and to each other. Hopi Elders know that was your mission and they wait to see whether you will act on it now.
Nature, the First People and the spirit of our ancestors are giving you loud warnings. Today, December 10, 1992, you see increasing floods, more damaging hurricanes, hail storms, climate changes and earthquakes as our prophesies said would come. Even animals and birds are warning us with strange change in their behavior such as the beaching of whales. Why do animals act like they know about the earth's problems and most humans act like they know nothing? If we humans do not wake up to the warnings, the great purification will come to destroy this world just as the previous worlds were destroyed.
(Thomas and Oren Lyons held up a picture of a large rock drawing in Hopiland)
This rock drawing shows part of the Hopi prophecy. There are two paths. The first with technology but separate from natural and spiritual law leads to these jagged lines representing chaos. The lower path is one that remains in harmony with natural law. Here we see a line that represents a choice like a bridge joining the paths. If we return to spiritual harmony and live from our hearts, we can experience a paradise in this world. If we continue only on this upper path, we will come to destruction.
Its up to all of us, as children of Mother Earth, to clean up this mess before it's too late.
The Elders request that during this International Year for the Worlds Indigenous Peoples, the United Nations keep that door open for spiritual leaders from the four corners of the world to come to speak to you for more than a few minutes as soon as possible. The Elders also request that eight investigative teams visit the native areas of the world to observe and tell the truth about what is being done and stop these nations from moving in this self- destructive direction.
If any of you leaders want to learn more about the spiritual vision and power of the Elders, I invite you to come out to Hopiland and sit down with our real spiritual leaders in their sacred Kivas where they will reveal the ancient secrets of survival and balance.
I hope that all members of this assembly that know the spiritual way will not just talk about it, but in order to have real peace and harmony, will follow what it says across the United Nations wall: "They will beat their swords into plowshares and study war no more." Lets, together, do that now!
According to Suzanne and Jake Page's book Hopi , the Hopis are called "the oldest of the people" by other Native Americans. Frank Waters wrote in The Book of the Hopi that the Hopis "regard themselves as the first inhabitants of America. Their village of Oraibi is indisputably the oldest continuously occupied settlement in the United States." While Hopi oral history traces their origin to a Creation and Emergence from previous worlds, scientists place them in their present location for the last thousand years, perhaps longer. In her book The Wind Won't Know Me, Emily Benedek wrote that "anthropologists have shown that the cultural remains present a clear, uninterrupted, logical development culminating in the life, general technology, architecture, and agriculture and ceremonial practices to be seen on the three Hopi mesas today." Archaeologists definitively place the Hopis on the Black Mesa of the Colorado Plateau by 1350.
Read more: Hopis - History, Modern era, Acculturation and assimilation, Traditions, customs, and beliefs, Traditional stories, Cuisine
show vid of Alearias trip home...where the wind is singing and the spirits are playing the tunes of familiar tones and voices...isn't it strange she named her book "The wind won't know me"?
My birthday is the day before all of the UFO sightings
The doorways of the Hopi were made as a T shape
By the end of the twentieth century, the Hopi tribe was considered one of the more traditional Indian societies in the continental United States. As far back as they can be reliably traced by archeologists (to the period called Pueblo II, between 900 and 1100), the Hopis have been sedentary, living in masonry buildings. Their villages consisted of houses built of native stone, arranged around a central plaza containing one or more kivas. Hopi villages are arranged in much the same way today. During the Pueblo III Period (1100 to 1300), populations in the villages grew as the climate became more arid, making farming more difficult. The village buildings grew in size as well, some containing hundreds of rooms. During the Pueblo IV Period, the Hopi ancestral period from 1350 to 1540, the houses, made "of stone cemented with adobe and then plastered inside were virtually indistinguishable from the older houses of present-day Hopi, except that they were often multistoried," according to Page and Page. They added that the houses of that period contained rooms with specific functions, such as storage or grinding corn, and that kiva design was "nearly identical" to that of today. The houses and kivas of this period were heated with coal, which was also used for firing pottery. Today the Hopis occupy the older masonry houses as well as modern ones. The kiva remains largely as it was in ancient times: a rectangular room built of native stone, mostly below ground. "Sometimes," wrote Waters, "the kiva is widened at one end, forming the same shape as the T-shaped doorways found in all ancient Hopi ruins." This design is intended to echo the hairstyle of Hopi men, which generally forms a "T" shape. The kiva contains an altar and central fire pit below the roof opening. A ladder extends above the edge of the roof. When not in use for ceremonies, kivas are also used as meeting rooms
Read more: Hopis - History, Modern era, Acculturation and assimilation, Traditions, customs, and beliefs, Traditional stories, Cuisine
Robert has been called a holistic healer, teacher, ceremonial leader, prophet and Shaman. He is an internationally recognized author, speaker and artist. Ghost Wolf is a Metis, part Iroquois and Lakota. He has worked with the Apache, Lakota, Osage, Hopi and Ojibwa elders for many years.
Robert says that ETs are contacting us now. Almost all Native American cultures have ancient prophecies telling of interactions with "Star Brothers" and their coming which they have recorded on petroglyphs.
The Hopi Indians are the Record Keepers of the Native Americans. The Hopis call this the "The Fourth Age of Man". According to them the earth has been wipped clean 3 times already. First by Fire, next by Ice, most recently by the flood... approximately 11,000-12,000 years ago. Some believe that the actual date of the flood occured on June 5, 8498 BC. According to the Hopis we are about to enter "The Fifth Age", which they call "The World of Illumination", which seems to coincide with the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
The Hopis say that there will two more worlds after this. "The Sixth Age" which is "The World of Prophecy and Revelation" and "The Seventh Age" is "The World of Completion".
The Native Americans have been not only the forefathers of we Americans who came to this country a few hundred years ago but they have been the Keepers of the Earth for a long period of time. What they believe is very sacred to us. This knowledge is re-emerging at this time in the Earth's history.
The Hopi believe that they descended from the Pleiades and that even before that they came from Lyra which is the Ring Nebula that the Pleiadians have spoken to Bill Meier about. They call Lyra the "Eye of God".
It is said that the lightbeings, the star sister/brother will arrive with the sign of positive and negative...
This is not to be taken as a literal sign of a positive + and - sign, it means she/he will arrive with the complete ying/yang .. male/female side of the complete being...not a "he" per se, but a complete being, knowing thyself and having the keys and codes to bring all of the pieces together to bring together those sons and daughters of light, all in the web of awakened ones, together...
A white man will come and restore the Fire Clay tablet.
The Hopi Rock has a + sign and a - (minus) sign on it with a circle.
They represent positive, negative and neutral forces in a magnetic field.
Where they cross is a vortex into the next dimension.
Greatest thing we have for healing is the human spirit
written here...(show web page of prophecy)
Legend of Rainbow Warriors
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Since the early 1970s, a legend of Rainbow Warriors inspired some environmentalists in the United States with a belief that their movement is the fulfillment of a Native American prophecy. Whether the prophecy originated from a Native American person may be known by only the author who first published the account, but the modern source of the legend is a 1962 book titled Warriors of the Rainbow by William Willoya and Vinson Brown from Naturegraph Publishers. Brown, who is attributed with research supporting chapters on Hopi prophecies, is the founder and owner of Naturegraph Publishers. [1][2][3]
A Prentice Hall book, The Greenpeace Story, traces the popular spread of a legend of a Hopi prophecy told among environmentally minded nomads through Greenpeace plankholder Bob Hunter, who got a copy of the Warriors of the Rainbow in 1969. Hunter, who died May 5, 2005 was the author of many of the myths told among Greenpeace supporters, and the first president of Greenpeace. The Economist, in Hunter's obituary, has him reportedly receiving from a wandering dulcimer maker in 1969 a copy of the book in which the legend of a Hopi prophecy was first published. By Hunter's account, he first read the book in 1971 during a voyage on rough seas of the North Pacific where the name Greenpeace was also conceived. Hunter was reportedly 1/32 Kwakiutl Indian, but intensely proud of that part of his heritage. Hunter is attributed with giving Greenpeace its bent toward mischievous protest.[4][5][6]
Lelanie Fuller Stone attributes a very similar prophecy to a Cree woman. [7][8] Stone, who says she is a non-enrolled person of Cherokee descent, reports a Cree woman told her
There will come a time when the Earth grows sick and when it does a tribe will gather from all the cultures of the World who believe in deeds and not words. They will work to heal it...they will be known as the "Warriors of the Rainbow."
In numerous retellings of Stone's account, the Cree woman was her grandmother, but Stone does not make such an assertion.[9] Folklore shared among attendees at Rainbow gatherings has held since the earliest years of those gatherings that they are fulfillments of a Native American prophecy, similar in verse to that told both by the Naturegraph book and by Stone. The legend also inspired the name two of Greenpeace's ships, named Rainbow Warrior and used in environmental-protection protests by Greenpeace.
In 1987, the legend of the Warriors of the Rainbow inspired an achievement-based award system within the New Zealand-based Spirit of the Sword Youth Initiative.
Chief Seattle "When the Earth is sick, the animals will begin to disappear, when that happens, The Warriors of the Rainbow will come to save them." (
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