The Generation of Today Seem Different, Peculiarly and Harmoniously Defiant Compared To Any Other For A Reason. We Were Predestined To Return And It Is NOW Time For All To Know and Remember What Was Lost Long Ago and Hidden Behind The Veil Of Darkness. The Children and This Generation Spiritually Awakened Beings, With Higher Cosmic Contact, Are The Pathfinders To The New Earth. The Old Systems Are Collapsing, The Abilities And Gifts The Children Of Light Bring To Earth And Humanity Have Been Seen As Evil, Strange, A Disease or Dark Possession Of Spirit…In Truth, These Are Rays Of Light. The Children Are Not Sick Or Possessed. They Are The More Conscious Spiritually Energies Incarnate In Human Form In Order To Heal The Earth and Assist Humanity Through This Shift Foretold To Occur At The End Of Days. There are many beings here, incarnate in human form with keys, gifts, technological skills, sustainable ideas, healing abilies, higher cosmic communication access, memories of the past and plans that are healthy for the human species as a whole as well as the Earth. Many of these enlightened beings are children, mothers and fathers or care givers of the children. The harmoniously rebellious rebels that are being the change, some silently while others are using their voice to yell out to what was the majority of those behind the veil of illusion, and implementing change for the new, good for all, systems. Co-creating together and knowing the old has not and will not work in the task of saving the Earth, providing for all and not just a few elite and greedy at the top of the collapsing monetary pyramid. Those inside of the box cannot see what is happening and remain inside of the box of fear, stress, chaos and drama. Listening to those with the peculiar ides and thoughts, appreciating each other and respecting one another, no matter what has been taught in the past as being acceptible, opens the elevator doors and takes you beyond the illusion into the realm of truth outside of the box. Fear or Love? With knowledge, there is no fear. With no fear there is love and growth without confusion and chaos. The problem has been the "status quo" and it is now obvious the sheeple are waking up and realizing what was in the past is no longer working. The monetary system is collapsing, the religious leaders are losing their congregations, the major changes in climate and catastrophes have increased and people are finally asking themselves, "what is happening and why?" Unless the human species is affected on an individual basis, it is normal for them not to care. The Earth and the population that has been suffering because of this fact is now more obvious than ever as the masses are effected in the same way. Americans, in particular are experiencing major changes and having a hard time with it because so many have never had to experience life without material luxury. Four percent of the world's population owns forty percent of the world's wealth and resources. There are too many that have suffered due to this fact. It is now changing. The starseeds, the harmoniously rebellious beings that are going against the old authority, going against the rules of the old, and even though some go unseen and unnoticed...they are changing things just by being here at this time of APOCALYPTO...THE REVEALING...
The Pathway Must Be Cleared For The Beings Of Light As The Darkness Is Penetrated and The Earth Heals From The Destruction Caused By Chaos, Confusion, Lower Consciousness and Materialism. We Are All One and In This Shift Together As One. The Old, Unhealthy, Unsustainable Systems Such As: Monetary Systems, Socialism, Fascism, Greed, Violence, Boundaries Of Nations Separating One Brother From Another, Religious Beliefs Derived From Historical Churchmen And Those That Have Controlled The Masses Of The World For Benefit Of The Few Elite…All Must Collapse, The Truth Be Known, Consciousness To Rise and The Healing To Continue In Order For The Human Species And Earth To Evolve Into The Higher Realms. It Is Obvious The Old Is Collapsing And The Warriors Of Light Are Felt and Known As The Change In Which We Are and Wish To See. What Was The Minority Is Now The Majority In Silence. The Voices Are Getting Louder As More Americans Are Effected By The Changes From The Materialistic and Unfair Systems Into The Healthy and Fair For All Systems Are Being implemented. The Revealing Is NOW and There Are Choices Each Much Make With Sovereign Hearts. Love Is The Way. Lack Of Consciousness Leads To Fear. Fear Leads To Darkness and Darkness Leads To Death and Violence. Previous Generations Will Be Seen As Barbarick As Consciousness Continues To Grow. Each Being Is A Part Of The Library Of Life, Connected To The Next As Energy Expands and Creates The Web Of Life. There Is Nothing Separate From The Highest Of The High. The One Source Which Is The Creator Of All That Is.
It Takes Courage To Step Outside Of The Box. Stepping Off Of The Path Set Before Many By Previous Leaders. The Fear Of Being Seen As Different, Outside Of The Social, Religious, Familiar, Excepted By Those That Have Also Followed The Leaders Of The Unknowing or Forgetful Generations, Churchmen, Government, Elite, Family Members and All Considered In The Past To Be The Only Answers To The Entire Creation Are Now Realizing The Truth Was Lost And What Was Considered As Truth Is Obviously The Illusion And Betrayal Set Up Long Ago To Betray and Rule Over Humanity. Are You Strong Enough To Step Outside Of The Matrix? The Red Pill Is Highly Recommended. The Blue Pill Will Keep Your Consciousness Inside Of The Limited 3D Realm As The Sovereign Ascend and Become The New Inheritors Of The New Earth. It Is Up To You and Only You…Truth Has Always Been Inside and It Is Here You Must Seek In Order To Know Truth…It Cannot Be Found In The Malls, Churches or Political Systems. Becoming The Sovereign , The Change, Is The Way Of Evolution and The Way To The Higher Dimensions.
There have been many civilizations, prophets, seers and cosmically connected beings who have brought higher knowledge to humanity. Some have been inventors, teachers, messengers to the masses, warriors, physicians, mediators, authors, poets, designers, musicians, archeologists, architects, historians, scientists, healers and the list is endless. Many were tortured, crucified, exiled, neglected, silenced or worse. Most truth revealers are never acknowledged by the masses as being a part of the socially accepted realms of illusion in which the darkness reigns because they have higher consciousness, higher knowledge and know what is beyond this veil of limited 3D illusion. The harmoniously rebellious are the peculiar and strange. Their genius contributions have been looked over, misdiagnosed, misused, stolen for dark purposes, considered abnormal to those that have been the majority behind the veil and usually not valued as any importance until after they have been killed or have died. This is no longer the case and these same beings are incarnate in human form, here by the hundreds of thousands, in order to share the abilities, gifts and the one purpose of ascension amongst the masses into the higher dimensional realms where truth resides. The divine truth resides within each and every one of us…All connected to One Source some call God. There are many names given to the One Creator of All That Is…The Highest Realm Of Being Is The Highest Consciousness and All Exists Because This Highest Energy Is The One Prime Creator Of All That Is. The Bible, in Genesis, says this man is created in the image of the One Source. Christians take this to be literally as a way of saying God has to be in the form of mankind and appear as human as we appear in this 3D realm. There are many misconceived notions as to what “GOD” truly is…but there is only one truth. God exists, God manipulates civilizations and the human species in many ways: through nature, highly conscious spiritual beings (warriors, mediators, messengers, prayers, etc.) and in ways the human species calls miracles. To explain exactly what and how this is accomplished can begin from many different points in time throughout history. The choice to understand is an individual choice…becoming tao the traveler ( the sovereign being we each are as a divine part of the divine One Energy in the divine web of life) We may think we are separated by having these human bodies, but in reality…NOTHING IS SEPARATE FROM THE ONE PRIME CREATOR AND ALL IS CONNECTED IN THE WEB OF LIFE. Who we are individually can be explained in this way…We were created to be co-creators. A part of the conscious library that belongs the One Source. Let’s begin by understanding exactly what THE ONE SOURCE TRULY IS….
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