Have you ever heard the word, "Sheeple"...Do you know what a sheeple is? Well, if you haven't already, you will eventually. I am blogging the meaning in a most respectible way that is possible, as other users of this word may not explain it in very nice ways...to say the least.
If you have ever watched George Carlin you know he is a supporter of the(Life without BS, rules, boundaries and corrupt authority figures. Being a sheeple is a person, like sheep, refuse to leave the status quo group of closed minded zombies that walk in the continuous circle of the material world of expectation and chaos, blind and enclosed inside of the box of darkness. Full of fear to walk on a path least travelled and depending on everyone else to dictate who they are, where they work, what bank to deposit and withdraw depleting money received by repeatedly going to a job that is non-consciously productive and depressing in order to merely exist as the preoccupation continues. The people that refuse to release the fear of being isolated, neglected, abandoned, persecuted, abused, tortured, left behind or without those that are considered the majority. Sheeple are the people that have egos bigger than their dreams and eek a living by walking behind the leaders they believe are the only ones with all of the answers to what is vital for life and safety for all. There are some that can see outside of the box but are afraid to reveal or question what it is due to thinking those inside of the circle will deem them crazy or a traitor to what has been taught, entrained and excepted in the past.
As these sheeple remain the majority throughout history, it is now that more and more people are waking up and realizing the limitation of this circle of existence. It is a known fact, common sense, to see this is not living, it is merely surviving with very few blissful moments compared to the stress of having to take care of thyself, families and loved ones with the systems that are now collapsing. The human species is a species of non-tolerance, competition, drama, chaos and confusion and when seeking solutions to questions and problems it is thought to be found in a church, on the news, at work, previous generations, doctored texts and books, the edited media, governments and so on...This is what has caused the human species to disregard thinking for ourselves in the past. The government is suppose to keep us safe and living the American dream. The pastor is suppose to provide us the way to Heaven and all of the miracles, healings and teachings to the spiritual part of who we are, the media is suppost to inform us of what to fear or not to fear, what to eat or not to eat, where to go or not to go, what to believe or not to believe. You get the point...
All of us are born with a path to take and even though we are given names by Earthly parents and lessons by the middle schools to colleges, we have to begin to understand life outside of the limited box this world of illusion truly is. There has been a preoccupation the human species has been experiencing. The lost knowledge is returning. The preoccupation was to take place while growing back into the light of truth. Mankind has been behind a dark veil and it is lifting. It is time to grab hold of the courage within and seek within to find the part that has always been there, you continue to seek outside of yourself and are now ready to move into the realm of higher dimensional awareness.
The material crap that is the burden carried on the back is a great way to confine ourselves within the dark box. It is exactly what you are persecuted by others for not having that you hold inside and is the true priceless gift all seek.
This is how it works...For those that are the harmoniously rebellious, and there has never been more of us while in one lifetime, the material working world is not a way to the new world. The spiritual awareness being guided within those that can see beyond the veil and dwell there. It is those inside of the box, have a job they hate (but pays the bills) walk in circles and refuse to be open to anything outside of the circle of sheeple that every single soul is seeking and needing to be whole again and return to the blissful, fulfilling dream come true state of being...HEAVEN..
Those born to the sheeple parents, go to the sheeple schools, follow in the footsteps of the sheeple and work for mere survival are the ones that are betrayed from the beginning and actually, if you were given a name and a name of a country in which you were born (as limited boundaries), you have been in a box and were betrayed from the time you were born up to the point in which you are now reading these words (obviously you are just awakening because sheeple is a word in the 'AWAKENED DICTIONARY' all of the awakened ones hold dear (just kidding)We use it a lot and soon you will hear it a lot more often as the awakening continues.
Most of the peculiar ones, the bums that have nothing material to show for a lifetime of breathing, the strange one's that seem not to fit in any where, the crazy one's that are called terrorists because they don't follow a certain religious or political point of view...don't associate with any organization layed before them and told what to do and who to associate with, that are the spiritual beings of higher awareness. The peculitar seems to have been the minority and strangely they are increasing. The children seem to be teaching the adults in every area of living and loving. Psychic and telepathic abilities are increasing and other realms of what has been known as the unknown and phenominons.
The truth is, everything is changing and the peculiar are rapidly becoming the majority as the pieces of the puzzle are coming together to form the one BIG PICTURE. Sheeple can see us but can't figure out why we are not stressed out with all of the drama, wars, collapsing monetary system, chaos, catastrophes and the expected end of the world. It is precisely what is unseen that is real and those that know this are those that know material greed, religious metaphors and doctored texts, governments lies and deceit are revealing itself for what it really is, destructive and unhealthy. Releasing all of the garbage that has been the norm is now fading into the abyss as the new systems are being brought into reality by the light. The light is knowledge and consciousness. One cannot gain knowledge by remaining a part of the sheeple circle.
The churchmen of the past have brainwashed the few that have turned into the majority. The American Government politians are puppets for the higher company owners and has controlled the world with war, competition,lies, fear and violence as the American population is preoccupied with the deaths of the loved ones killed in the wars, or the worries of how to make the next months house payments, and how they will survive without operations that cost so much money their next five generations couldn't ever pay off. This is all preplanned and controlled by brainwashing and manipulating forces at work most don't take the time to see. Humans have to experience the pain before they care, before we care as a whole. The Earth and all of the resources have been misused and for this wonderful bit of genius of those from generations over the course of hundreds of years and the greed of all that has been a part of the destruction, have left a HUGE mess to clean up and can't be done without divine intervention.
What is this divine intervention? Well, it certainly isn't the SHEEPLE that is making it possible. It is those that are the peculiar and crazy. It is those that aren't tied down with material possessions, debt and crap of this 3D realm. It is those that have a voice when a voice is needed to change the unsustainable into the healthy new ways of being with true freedom within. This is why the peculiar tend to stay to themselves and why sheeple can feel are different but just can't put their finger on why and how.
Well, great news...the reasons are many and the answer is truth. It is the truth within, that silent place of being that can't be denied or ignored. The children are different, unique, in the ways in which they think and express themselves. There are many adults and children that are being the change in which they seek and nothing can change by holding on to the old systems, belief patterns and intolerance to change. Those that seem different and aren't seeming to be productive and beneficial to those of the materialistic greedy world and working world of zombies are actually the answer to the problems of those that hold on to the dark ways. It may not be appreciated, acknowledged or accepted by the majority but it will be common practice for future generations to study history and know the old barbaric, non-productive, unhealthy, chaotic, stressful zombie sheeple ways were stupidity at its highest form.
THE EGO BREEDS GREED, CONFLICT AND IGNORANCE. When we are born, we are immediately taught we are individual and are taught to follow the leader. It is hard to break free of all of the boundaries this causes our reality to seem to be. It is soooo wrong to think for ourselves and make our own decisions because rules and lessons are ebedded into our lives from the very beginning of this lifetime on Earth. The faith you have in yourself, the courage and confidence in yourself is needed in order to break free of the systems of illusion and boundaries. Many times it seems easier to let everyone else do the thinking and planning of our lives. Repitition seems to be safe and reasonable to those that allow the darkness to be good enough. The truth is, it is this that keeps us from growing and seeing what is felt beyond what is taught. Realizing our own divinity takes more time and demands stillness of our very being than what most are willing to go through. Playing psp, shopping, working, causing drama or being the drama is much more fulfilling for those that allow others to dictate and control their lives...hence, SHEEPLE!
The difference between sheeple and the peculiar is undeniably evident. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure it all out and is critical in acknowledging why it's happening now moreso than ever can be the deciding factor of the outcome in what you perceive as fact and reality throughout this journey we know as life. It is just a ride and everyone decides for him or herself when the ride gets fun or how long it remains a scarry experience, along with many other negative feelings.
The rebellious are said to be abnormal. Who are these genius beings that decide what is right and what is wrong? What is normal and abnormal if it is all withn boundaries of limitation dictated by others? Why can't we all respect what another has to share by being different. Why is difference such a scary thing?
It is scarry because the social bubbles refuse to grow beyond what has been and embrace only the NOW moment. Mastering the mind is living in the NOW moment. Holding any resentment, depressing thoughts, future worries and past bad experiences will only hinder the growth of the spirit. This is why the peculiar seem so non-chalante and joyful. We hold no regrets, forgive ourselves immediately, don't take life so seriously, we don't hold on to any material possession (for this is more baggage) and we move from moment to moment, enabling us to manifest more rapidly and truly live in peace knowing who we are and why we are here. We are not here to be controlled by anyone, we are not here to follow the leader (we are our own leader in the journey we have chosen) we are not here to be cooped up in an office while performing the same relentless and depressing jobs day in and day out. We are here to create, dream, teach, evolve (grow) in consciousness, heal others by being the change and being seen and felt as free, unconditional loving spiritual energy in which we truly are. We are the ones we have been waiting for...Are you who you have been waiting for?
There are many videos listed on this link if you do not understand the one shown here...my suggestion is you find as many testimonies and facts as possible...The whole story can be found at:
keywords... NWO, zeitgeist, Freemasons, Hellfire club, Bilderberg, mafia, bill hicks, carl sagan, Rothchild
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