"Love and Compassion are the Keys from a Scientific Point of View"
Love and Compassion are the two main ingredients in the soup of "Spiritual Evolution". If you look at the body's DNA, you will see a double helix configuration. If you turn this double helix on its side, and then overlap a wave of Negative Energy onto the model, you can see all of the places where the wave crosses the model.
Love and Compassion are the two main ingredients in the soup of "Spiritual Evolution". If you look at the body's DNA, you will see a double helix configuration. If you turn this double helix on its side, and then overlap a wave of Negative Energy onto the model, you can see all of the places where the wave crosses the model.
Negative Energy (low frequency consciousness), has a very long wavelength, and the periods are wide spread. Each place where this energy crosses the double helix, it forms Amino Acids. Amino Acids are our chemical antenna. The more Amino Acids are formed, the more connected we are to Source (Truth, God). In comparison, Loving and Compassionate Energy has a very high frequency, a short wavelength, and the periods are close together, thereby creating many more opportunities for the formation of Amino Acids
The more Love we experience in our lives, the more connected we become. Scientists (this information is from Gregg Braden, who is Spiritual and a Geophysicist/Scientist) studying the effect of different frequencies using sand trays, have noted that when they shoot individual sound vibrations into sand with an "Oscillator or a Magnatron", different frequencies produce different, and very distinct patterns in the sand.
(Hence "The Frequency Playlist" link located in this blog and at www.youtube.com/Alearia3)

The more Love we experience in our lives, the more connected we become. Scientists (this information is from Gregg Braden, who is Spiritual and a Geophysicist/Scientist) studying the effect of different frequencies using sand trays, have noted that when they shoot individual sound vibrations into sand with an "Oscillator or a Magnatron", different frequencies produce different, and very distinct patterns in the sand.
Interestingly enough, if you shoot a sound wave into the sand which is "Between" frequencies, then the sand appears to be in a complete disarray, but when you go back to the original frequency, the original pattern once again emerges in the sand. This is very similar to tuning your radio to a particular frequency so you can listen to your favorite music. If you have a digital radio then you will usually land on each frequency (station) exactly, but if you were using an old style tube radio, then you might not be "Tuned-In" exactly, and you will hear a lot of fuzzy space noise.
What is most amazing is that when you zoom-in for a closer look at the "Exact-Frequency", which created the elaborate and quite beautiful pattern, you will witness "Complete Controlled Chaos". The sand is actually bouncing all over the place, and there does not seem to be any particular rhyme-nor-reason to the madness, but when you pull your point of view back, you once again see a marvelously beautiful pattern which appears completely stable and unchanging. It became very apparent that there was some type of consciousness which was creating these patterns.
From this experiment it was concluded that every physical pattern, has a specific and corresponding frequency that describes it (a specific consciousness level which it vibrates at), and every frequency therefore has a particular physical pattern associated with it.
Every level of consciousness has a corresponding frequency. When we receive information which is a higher level of "Truth" than what we have previously had access to, we actually increase our own vibratory rate. This in turn changes our make up at the core level of our physical self. We actually transform on a cellular level, even the DNA changes to accommodate our new awareness. As the DNA becomes capable of holding more Love vibrations, we draw closer to Truth (Source/God).
As we draw closer to Source, life becomes increasingly easier. Source is truly All Loving and Totally Compassionate. It is said that if you make just one step toward Source, that Source will even move mountains out of the way to help you. When you fight the Universal flow, the Universe resists. When you go with the flow, the Universe supports and assists you. Many people feel this pull inside to become more Spiritual, but the fear of letting go of what is known, and what we are comfortable with, is sometimes overwhelming. This is Human nature. If we do not listen to the internal pull, eventually the Universe gives up on merely suggesting the "Right Path", and literally strips you of everything that is not working in your life.
When we are left with nothing, we gain faith in the Universe to help us. Sometimes this is what it takes for people to change their ways. As in the case of great disasters, people often lose everything, but still don't learn to let go, and surrender to their God Selves (let go of their Pride). They are still attached to their material possessions. A higher level of understanding is to be emotionally detached. It is all right to have wealth, and luxury, but let go of the emotional attachment to it.
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