The object of this page is not to re-invent the "Wheel" (no pun intended), but rather to offer information specific to each area of life with a relative and helpful Empowerment to either develop it further (in the case of a desirable attribute), or to heal, or resolve it (in the case of an un-desirable attribute).
The word Chakra translates to mean "Wheel" as in a Chariot Wheel, but if the person viewing the Chakra clairvoyantly is developed enough, they will observe that it resembles a Lotus Flower and not a Wheel. Many people are of the misconception that they are balls of energy. Actually, the Crown Chakra is a Lotus facing upward, and the Base Chakra is a Lotus facing downward. All of the Chakras in-between these two are actually facing front and back, like two Lotuses which are back to back.
Oh, by the way, if you have been noticing that high pitched "Dog Whistle-like" ringing in your head (inner ear) - It is probably not a medical condition, but more likely your Clairaudience (subtle hearing) kicking in. If this is the case, then you will most likely hear it more obviously when you are either waking-up or falling asleep (when you are relaxed). It is actually the sound that your Chakras make when they are vibrating simultaneously. If you increase or decrease your Chakra system's vibratory rate, you will notice that the tone also changes as well.
Within Lord Shiva's Mantra "OM Nama Shivaya", You will find the sacred seed syllables who's resonance frequency matches that of each of the 7 corresponding
("AUM" - "OM" is for the 7th and 6th Chakras respectively).
Location: The Top of the Head.
Seed Syllable: "AUM" (sound to activate this Chakra)
Gems and Minerals: Diamond, Quartz Crystal.
Color: Violet or White.
Desirable Attributes: Knowingness, Wisdom, Cosmic Consciousness, Buddha Consciousness.
Undesirable Attributes: Feeling Lost, Sense of being Un-Guided, Depression, Feeling Disconnected.
Working with your Crown Chakra (7th) Chakra: Receive the "Axiatonal" Initiation, the "Atlantean Crown" Initiation, Connecting to the "Order of Melchizedeck", Activation for Guidance and Healing, "Trance-Medium Loop" Meditation (Meditate While You Sleep)
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don't go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don't go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don't go back to sleep.
"The Crown Jewel of Spiritual Empowerments"
The "Axiatonal Initiation" will first and foremost bring-in, and permanently anchor your own God Self into your physical body. This is not merely an Axiatonal realignment as found on many other sites. For lack of a better name, Axiatonal was used because it does indeed reconnect you with the Earth's Axiatonal Lines, but this Initiation is far more than just that. This initiation is highly recommended for all Trance-Mediums, and anyone who wishes to rapidly advance on the spiritual path.
Trance-Mediums regularly go through changes, and emotional, mental and energetic shifts throughout their lives. They are always either receiving another energy upgrade, or they are finishing, and integrating the last one. Often depression can set in if they feel that they are not moving forward fast enough. These upgrades to their light, energy, and consciousness are sometimes referred to as "Quickenings". If you have ever seen the film series called "Highlander", then you have some concept of what is being described here. Trance-Mediums become "Quickened" through natural interaction with their own God Self. That is to say that from the time they incarnate until the time their body is properly prepared to receive their God Self, they are undergoing spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, relationship and financial house keeping.
This is all going on while they are still trying to behave as normally as possible amongst people who are completely clueless as to the enormity of their situation. Others around them, never seem to understand them at all, and they usually feel like an outsider looking in. They are being quickened energetically by their God Self in order to raise their body's resonance (vibratory rate) high enough for their God Self to fully, and comfortably come in, and establish its self in its own vehicle (the physical body). The "Axiatonal Initiation" actually anchors your God Self into your body permanently !
Axiatonal Grid Initiation
The Axiatonal Grid Initiation is based on the “Keys of Enoch”. It is a way of using currently known meridians and obscure chakras to align one with the galactic forces to enable intergalactic communication.
The process involves an opening and a closing on the third day.
People have reported dramatic changes in terms of feeling more peaceful, more connected with the universe and in receiving guidance from higher sources.
Axiatonal Alignment is a healing modality, but it is also an initiation into Divine Awareness. In its healing capacity, Axiatonal Alignment opens blocked meridians to allow the free flow of energies that have been trapped in our beings and restrict our movement forward. As these energies are allowed to flow without restriction we will release all cellular memories that we have been afraid to look at, that have held us captive. We are now free to look at these moments and events from a different perspective, one that is not hindered by fear, anger or misunderstanding. When this happens, a healing occurs.
In its capacity as an initiation into Divine Awareness, Axiatonal Alignment assists us to reconnect to our Source. There are Axiatonal Lines throughout the Universe, the Galaxies, the Solar System, our Planet and our bodies. These Axiatonal Lines connect all things with Divinity and these lines follow the Chinese Meridian Lines but at a deeper level. At one point in time, we humans chose to separate from our Divine Source. This damaged the Axiatonal Lines, which prevented us from reconnecting to our Divine Source. Axiatonal Alignment assists us to remember our connection, and to re-establish it.
Sacred Geometrical patterns are the basis of the enlightening alignment.
What may you feel with this alignment? Some recipients have experienced deep relaxation, an increase in focus and clarity, motivation, improved concentration, a sense of balance and more vivid dreams. You may find that the answers to your questions arrive in dreams or memory flashbacks. You may feel more in the flow, recognizing more synchronicity and allowing.
The difference between a "Natural Trance-Medium", and Highlander in the movie is that in the movie version, the way that Highlander became "Quickened" was by adding the energies of others to his own in order to gain strength.
You Are Not your Body, Brain, Mind, Aura, or anything you have learned or experienced through your senses. The truth is that you are a combination of your Soul, and your God Self. When your own God Self "Walks-In" to your body, this quickening process begins in earnest.
True Power and Spiritual Enlightenment, Happiness, Joy, Tranquility, Peace of Mind, and Fearlessness can only be achieved through the advent of your God Self anchoring (walking-in) to your physical body. The "Axiatonal Initiation", which we offer, was specifically designed to enable you to experience an Enlightened "Waking" state (spelled correctly) of meditation known as "Equanimity". In addition to this, your Soul needs to be Grounded into your body as well, and the Axiatonal Initiation also includes an extremely effective four foot diameter "Grounding Chord and Column Activation" in order to maintain your Equanimity.
Most Spiritual People on this planet can not even raise their body's consciousness, vibration and frequency up to "Gold". Each vibration and frequency (level of consciousness) has a color associated with it, and in turn, each color in the light spectrum vibrates at a particular set frequency .
If you were not a Trance-Medium you would not be able or developed enough to handle the vibration and consciousness necessary in order to hold, and sustain your own God Self's light frequency within your body's cells, organs, tissues and brain. You would not be able to be God Realized in this Lifetime. Fortunately, nothing happens by accident, so if you are worried about not being a Trance-Medium, rest assured that you are reading this information because you were supposed to, and Yes, you are a Trance-Medium.
White light energy is extremely pure, healing and has a very pleasant feel to it. White light energy is actually Christ Light energy. It can be used to perform amazing, and sometimes even miraculous healings. Many Trance-Mediums often times crave more, and more energy. They become light and energy junkies.
"Tibetan Buddhist Micro Cosmic, and Macro Cosmic Orbit Tantric Meditations"
To see the before and after effects that Reiki Energy has in a Healing Session using an Aura Camera, go to Guy Coggins' website:
When you master these 2 Meditations (mentioned above in the link), you will have a very unique experience. You will fall backwards, and pass-out from the white light. This practice trains your "Kundalini to rise up through the Shushumna Nadi" into your Crown Chakra.
"God, Kundalini and the Process of Creating"
Wouldn't your life be much easier if you knew the secret to the
Process of Creating ?
The five phases of the "Creative Process" are as follows:
This is an Ego Based Model of the Creative Process - in order to Circumvent the Ego in this process you must allow leeway for your God Self to oversee this process by Not being specific when you create.
(as apposed to what most others teach)
1) Thought - the process of creating begins with a thought - this phase in and of its self can also be viewed as a form of phase "4)" because Karma can be created through mere thought, especially if your energy is high enough at the time. Thought however, is a Fear-Based filter.
2) Desires - based on ripening Karmas (past actions) - and Samskaras (tendencies/habits).
3) Intent - this phase in and of its self can also be viewed as a form of phase "4)" because Karma (action) can be created through mere intent.
4) Action/Creation - the exertion of your will - creating Karma.
5) Product/Outcome - the fruit of your exertions - receiving your Karma's Effects.
The Single most important phase which actually "Creates" without the need for thought is "Intent", but you can only create through mere intent from a pure state of Equanimity (there are no thoughts while experiencing equanimity).
If you can get your Kundalini to stay in your Crown Chakra permanently, then you will become Enlightened !
Your Human Body was Created by your Kundalini in the following manner:
(7th chakra center) First, the Kundalini (spiritual energy) creates the Crown Chakra (at the top of your head), and from there it begins to create the associated areas and organs related to that chakra.
(6th chakra center) It then creates your Third Eye Center, and the brain and the other organs associated with it like the eyes etc.
(5th chakra center) Then your Throat Chakra, and your throat, your thyroid gland etc. It also begins to develop your torso from there, and then your arms are formed.
(4th chakra center) Your Heat Chakra is next , and obviously your heart its self, your lungs and organs in that region of your body
(3rd chakra center) Then your Solar Plexus Chakra, and also your stomach and colon, kidneys, liver etc.
(2nd chakra center) Next, your Sacral Chakra, and your sexual and other organs in that area of your body, sexual energy and creativity.
(1st chakra center) Finally your Base Chakra (at the base of your spine), and from there, your legs are formed.
Your Kundalini then goes into a semi dormant state in the base chakra located at the base of your spine, approximately 95% dormant, the rest continues to operate the body.
When you begin to awaken spiritually, your Kundalini sends out Prana (the Sanskrit name for one of the ten subtle airs in the body which are also more commonly referred to as Chi - in Chinese, and also known as Ki, Mana, Shakti and Universal Life Force Energy) through your Meridian System in order to release any blockages, and to flush out any burnt or spent Karmas which are ready to be released by your Soul.
The 10 Airs in the Subtle Body, and their related functions are as follows:
1) Prana: It rises from the Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra), and traversing the Ida (left meridian), and the Pingala (right meridian), and then reaches the cranium, and from there it egresses through the right and left nostrils. Thus in a day 21,600 aspirations take place. Of these - 7,200 are wasted away, leaving 14,400 breaths to be contained within.
The question has been raised "What is the difference between Prana and Kundalini" ? One of the great Hindu Saints which Alearia has had the pleasure of knowing named Anandi Ma replied as follows: It is similar to the sun and its rays. First you feel the sun's rays on your skin, and then you turn to see the sun. Similarly, the Kundalini sets forth the Prana to clear the path along the Meridians, and then once this is accomplished, the Kundalini comes (this is from Alearia’s recollection, and not a direct quote from Anandi Ma).
2) Apana: Hovering around the anus, it helps in evacuation, and the bowels.
3) Udana: Causes hiccups, coughing, etc.
4) Vyana: Diffuses the essences of food taking over 72,000 nadis (meridians).
5) Samana: It brings about equilibrium in the flow of the airs.
6) Naga: Causes sneering, stammering, etc.
7) Kurma: Causes movement of the eye balls.
8) Devadatta: Causes movement of the eyelids, laughter, etc.
9) Girihara: Causes yawning.
10) Dananjaya: Makes the body swell after death, before it escapes through the cranium
There are thousands of meridians running through your subtle body. The three most important of these are the Ida, the Pingala and the Shushumna of which the Shushumna Nadi is of supreme importance (nadi is the Sanskrit name for channel or meridian). Most of your Karmas are located in this main subtle nerve of your Meridian System. As the Prana continually flushes out the ripened Karmas (completed life lessons) from your Shushumna, and the rest of your meridians, it clears the path for your Kundalini to travel back through the Shushumna, which is the main subtle nerve from which it came, and to reunite with the "Shiva Energy" at the Crown Chakra once again.
Kundalini is also known as "Shakti Energy". Shakti energy is considered to be feminine. Shiva is said to reside in the Crown Chakra, and is considered to be masculine energy. When these two opposites re-unite in the Crown Chakra, and are permanently seated there, you become very blissful, detached and eventually, fully God Realized.
The "Kriya Babaji Nagaraj and the 18 Siddhas Lineage Kundalini Shaktipat Initiation" will actually bring your Kundalini up to your Crown Chakra, and you will become a part of an extremely spiritual lineage of some of the greatest masters who have ever walked this Earth !
In Hinduism, the belief exists that in the beginning, although Shiva and Shakti are really two sides of the same God-Head, that Shiva intended for Shakti to create. By the mere intent on Shiva's part for Shakti to create, he completed his job. Then it was up to the Mother "Shakti" to create the Universes, this Earth and all of its creatures etc. This is why it is that whenever there is a problem in someone's life, they pray to the Mother "Goddess" (usually). She is the embodiment of unconditional love and compassion, and it is that same creative energy which exists dormant in your spine as well. It looks like a cobra which is coiled three and a half times around the base of your Shushumna Nadi with its head facing down, at the base of your spine. It faces up when it is re-awakened, and begins the journey back to the crown chakra at the top of your head in order to complete.
The medical symbol called the Caduceus is shown as a staff with two cobras criss-crossing over it at seven locations. When you look at this symbol from the bottom-up, there is an eye at the sixth location with a pair of wings Symbolizing freedom from this illusory reality (the eye is not shown in the above version). The staff its self symbolizes the Shushumna Nadi (the path that Kundalini takes from the base chakra to the crown chakra).
One of the cobras represent the Ida Nadi (the female energy meridian on the left side of the body - also denotes coolness, the moon, silver energy and mother issues), and the other represents the Pingala Nadi (the male energy meridian on the right side of the body - also denotes heat, the sun, gold energy and father issues). These two male and female spiritual energy channels end up in the nostrils. These two channels must be opened and cleaned out for the kundalini energy to rise through the main channel - the Shushumna. There is a Chakra Region at each point where the cobras cross the staff, totaling seven chakra regions.
What is not depicted or symbolized by the caduceus is that there are three spiritual energy knots called Granthis which prohibit the Kundalini from moving beyond the point at which they are located. These three spiritual knots are located at the Second Chakra, the Heart Chakra and the Third Eye Chakra. When it is time for the first of these three knots to be pierced, the person might feel pressure or severe cramping in their lower abdominal area.
Most of our Karmas are stored within the Shushumna (the body's main Chi Meridian/Nadi). As we cleanse this main subtle nerve of all old Karmas, the Kundalini can then rise up from the Base Chakra into the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara Chakra), and merge fully with the Shiva energies (male/female - "Opposites" - duality becoming singularity).
After the Second Chakra Granthi is pierced (released), the person no longer acts merely from a lustful, and sexually based consciousness. Their creativity begins to blossom. This is the higher spiritualized energy of the Second Chakra region.
After the Heart Chakra Granthi is pierced (released), the person no longer acts merely from a negative, judgmental, and fear based consciousness. Their Unconditional Love begins to blossom, unfold and true knowingness of Self emerges. This is the higher spiritualized energy of the Heart Chakra region.
After the Third Eye Chakra Granthi is pierced (released), the person no longer acts merely from a human based consciousness. Their clairvoyance begins to blossom, and they begin to realize that reality is not what they had believed it to be. They can now see the illusion which everyone is so entrapped in. This is the higher spiritualized energy of the Third Eye Chakra region.
It is said that just one of your Chakras actually contains more energy than all of the stars in the Universe combined. Chakras are like Spiritual Energy Train Stations, and the Meridians are like Train Tracks running through the stations. The Prana (1 of 10 different Airs in the human body) is sort of like the Train carrying energy to heal, and revitalize your system along those tracks.
Something else which has been very rarely discussed is that there are actually more than one chakras within each of these chakra regions, with the exception of the Base, Throat and the Crown Chakras. Chakras are spiritual energy centers which have specific attributes associated with them
Base Chakra
(1) Chakra
a) at the base of the spine
(Survival Energy, Mobility and Ego)
Second Chakra Region
(2 Chakras)
a) 2 finger widths below your navel (approximately 1 inch)
b) 2 inches below
(Sexual Energy, Creative Force and Ego)
Third Chakra Region
(3) Chakras
a) at the center between the navel and where the ribs join at the Xiphoid Process at the base of the Sternum
b) 2 inches above
c) 2 inches below
(Solar Plexus, Power Center and Ego)
Fourth Chakra Region
(2) Chakras
a) 2 inches above where the ribs join at the Xiphoid Process along the Sternum
(Lower Heart - Human Love and Ego)
b) 2 inches above (up the Sternum from the last point - towards your face)
(Higher Heart - Unconditional Love)
Fifth Chakra
(1) Chakra
a) at the throat
(Throat, Communication - Honesty, Purity of Speech)
Sixth Chakra Region
(2) Chakras
a) at the brow level
b) at the center of the forehead
(Third Eye - Spiritual Vision)
Seventh Chakra
(1) Chakra
a) at the top of the head
(Crown - Knowingness, Equanimity)
The five phases of "God Consciousness" are as follows:
From the Atheist Level of Understanding, "I am it - there is nothing higher than myself", the cycle comes full circle once again during the God Realization Level of Knowingness, "I am Everything - there is nothing higher than God"
1) Atheist (there is no God - I am the center of my reality - no higher order exists)
2) Agnostic (there might be a God, but it is impossible to know for sure)
3) Religious (believes God is in their heart as a "Spark" - but most of "It" is out there somewhere, and you must pray to it for salvation)
4) Spiritual (Everything "Is" God - but it is still only an "Understanding")
5) God Realization ("I am That" - Once again there is "No God" - I am the center of my reality - no higher order exists)
** If you would like to receive the
Kriya Babaji Nagaraj and the 18 Siddhas Lineage Kundalini Shaktipat Initiation
which Activates your Kundalini Shakti and brings it all the way up to your Crown Chakra in a very safe and controlled manner, there are sites on the net I am going to link to give for easy access. The links to the frequencies, initiations, alignment and healing sounds, meditations and more will be on a list I will post very soon. It is taking some time to locate them all and provide them in an easy to use way without having the outline and all of the ducks in a row, so to speak. Thank you for your patience. Namaste
The Caduceus is much more than merely symbolic. It is the sets of opposites which need to be merged within the Human Body in order to achieve "Singularity" from "Duality Consciousness". It is the Male (Father) and Female (Mother) energies healing and joining together in order to create a united homogeneous God-Infused consciousness within the Human vehicle.
We were designed in God's own image in order that God can reside in this vessel (in-carnate). In order for that to occur, we have to clean this vehicle sufficiently to house the purest form of Love consciousness "God" within it.
According to Buddhist beliefs, there are two additional identical-looking more subtle "Bodies/Vehicles" above our physical body, each standing on the prior's shoulders. The one directly above our physical body is our Christ Body, and the one above that is our God Self. We only experience our "Human" consciousness through the most dense of these, the Physical body.
During the "Axiatonal Initiation" your God Self, and your Christ body will be brought down into your physical body and anchored there permanently. When this process comes to its full fruition, your conscious awareness will at once exist in the most dense, and the most enlightened aspects of yourself simultaneously. We call this stage "God Realization".
If you see this model of spiritual awakening as the highest truth, then you will notice a remarkable connection between it, and the model the Christians follow, that you can only attain your freedom through the "Son". You may only enter Heaven through Lord Christ. In other words, your Christ Self must come into your awareness in order for you to be at-one with your Father (God Self).
* The "Axiatonal Initiation" actually brings-in, and anchors your God Self
into your physical body permanently !
"The Heart Chakra is the transitional portal between Above and Below"
"As Above - So Below"
All of creation replicates its self over and over in a myriad of seemingly unrelated patterns, but when these same patterns are analyzed with an electron microscope, we find identical recurring patterns. The Universe around us seems endless and yet there are multiple Universes within each of the cells in our body. Each of our molecules contain multiple Atoms which can be seen as individual Universes. Each of these Atoms contain sub-Atomic particles which can again be seen as individual Universes, and scientists have now discovered "Sub-sub-Atomic particles".
These building blocks are seen to have the appearance of what is now being referred to as a "Flower of Life Holographic Sphere", or sometimes referred to as a "Flower of Life Holographic Seed". From this "Holographic Sphere" (God Consciousness) germinates all Life as we know it.
Flower of Life Holographic Sphere
No matter what "Matter" you examine, you will still end up finding these holographic spheres time and again as the lowest common denominator.
Scientists have found that if you look at the pattern of any coast line or beach from a satellite in outer space, that the same exact pattern re-appears when you examine the sand from the beach from that coast line under a microscope. They just found out that if you look at a computer generated image of the size and shape of this Universe with all of its star clusters, etc., it looks exactly like a Human brain cell. Wow, that proves that "As above, so below" is literal.
Consider the following:
What if this Universe is only a tiny portion of an Atomic Universe which is a part of a molecular structure, which is a portion of a cell in the body of another Human Being who is perhaps also contemplating this exact same theory within another, much larger Universe . . . and so it continues, on and on like that indefinitely. "As Above - So Below", or "As Within - So Without".
"Love and Compassion are the Keys from a Scientific Point of View"
Love and Compassion are the two main ingredients in the soup of "Spiritual Evolution". If you look at the body's DNA, you will see a double helix configuration. If you turn this double helix on its side, and then overlap a wave of Negative Energy onto the model, you can see all of the places where the wave crosses the model.
Negative Energy (low frequency consciousness), has a very long wavelength, and the periods are wide spread. Each place where this energy crosses the double helix, it forms Amino Acids. Amino Acids are our chemical antenna. The more Amino Acids are formed, the more connected we are to Source (Truth, God). In comparison, Loving and Compassionate Energy has a very high frequency, a short wavelength, and the periods are close together, thereby creating many more opportunities for the formation of Amino Acids
The more Love we experience in our lives, the more connected we become. Scientists (this information is from Gregg Braden, who is Spiritual and a Geophysicist/Scientist) studying the effect of different frequencies using sand trays, have noted that when they shoot individual sound vibrations into sand with an "Oscillator or a Magnatron", different frequencies produce different, and very distinct patterns in the sand.
Interestingly enough, if you shoot a sound wave into the sand which is "Between" frequencies, then the sand appears to be in a complete disarray, but when you go back to the original frequency, the original pattern once again emerges in the sand. This is very similar to tuning your radio to a particular frequency so you can listen to your favorite music. If you have a digital radio then you will usually land on each frequency (station) exactly, but if you were using an old style tube radio, then you might not be "Tuned-In" exactly, and you will hear a lot of fuzzy space noise.
What is most amazing is that when you zoom-in for a closer look at the "Exact-Frequency", which created the elaborate and quite beautiful pattern, you will witness "Complete Controlled Chaos". The sand is actually bouncing all over the place, and there does not seem to be any particular rhyme-nor-reason to the madness, but when you pull your point of view back, you once again see a marvelously beautiful pattern which appears completely stable and unchanging. It became very apparent that there was some type of consciousness which was creating these patterns.
From this experiment it was concluded that every physical pattern, has a specific and corresponding frequency that describes it (a specific consciousness level which it vibrates at), and every frequency therefore has a particular physical pattern associated with it.
Every level of consciousness has a corresponding frequency. When we receive information which is a higher level of "Truth" than what we have previously had access to, we actually increase our own vibratory rate. This in turn changes our make up at the core level of our physical self. We actually transform on a cellular level, even the DNA changes to accommodate our new awareness. As the DNA becomes capable of holding more Love vibrations, we draw closer to Truth (Source/God).
As we draw closer to Source, life becomes increasingly easier. Source is truly All Loving and Totally Compassionate. It is said that if you make just one step toward Source, that Source will even move mountains out of the way to help you. When you fight the Universal flow, the Universe resists. When you go with the flow, the Universe supports and assists you. Many people feel this pull inside to become more Spiritual, but the fear of letting go of what is known, and what we are comfortable with, is sometimes overwhelming. This is Human nature. If we do not listen to the internal pull, eventually the Universe gives up on merely suggesting the "Right Path", and literally strips you of everything that is not working in your life.
When we are left with nothing, we gain faith in the Universe to help us. Sometimes this is what it takes for people to change their ways. As in the case of great disasters, people often lose everything, but still don't learn to let go, and surrender to their God Selves (let go of their Pride). They are still attached to their material possessions. A higher level of understanding is to be emotionally detached. It is all right to have wealth, and luxury, but let go of the emotional attachment to it.
Alearia was a light and energy junky in the beginning as well. When she first began to offer Spiritual Energy Healings and Initiations, she wanted to continually increase his "Light Quotient Capacity" for storing, and transmitting light energy in, and through her body. She was like Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde because she would continually experiment with new and more powerful Empowerments all the time. She was her own Spiritual Lab Rat, and Guinea Pig. She wanted to give 1,000% to those that wished to know the easier and more direct path to enlightenment, and was willing to do just about anything to accomplish that goal.
"Enlightening and Bringing in Your Subtle Bodies Initiation",
36 strands of your DNA
You are then reconnecting with your Cosmic Self (Star Seed). It brings in your Solar Angel, Christ Body, Buddhaic Body, Oversoul, Etheric Light Body, and your "I AM" presence (God Self) into your physical body, and fully anchors each of them permanently. It removes all Beings and/or Entities from your Crown Chakra and space. It brings you into a state of Sovereignty. This means that only your essence and being reside in your body, mind and space. All of these attributes are crucial in the process of full Spiritual Enlightenment.
During the first session you will receive the "Axiatonal Initiation", a "Grounding Activation", and the "Meridian Flush Activation". The Axiatonal Initiation anchors your God Self. The Grounding Activation Grounds your Soul, and the Meridian Flush Activation will un-block whatever major blockages you might have in your subtle pathways (channels/meridians) in order to be able to actually radiate the white light of your Etheric Light Body out through the pours of your physical body into the space you are in, just like when the saints radiate Universal Grace.
This 3 step process brings about a spiritually enlightened experience which is known as Equanimity, whereby you "Access your God Self". A feeling of lightness, and the feeling that you are less physical, will overcome you (from the waist-up). You will also notice a feeling of heaviness, and that you are more Grounded, and more "Present" (from the waist-down).
You will feel that you are the source of your own power. You will experience "Present Time", and you will be devoid of thoughts, and therefore any fear, or anything related to fear such as depression, anger, frustration and stress. You will notice that you will gradually become more and more emotionally detached.
Directly after this initiation you may notice that you feel as though you have slipped into a deep meditative state which can sometimes last anywhere from a few hours to several days. This very relaxed state is a stage in which your physical body begins to raise its vibratory rate in order to be able to better integrate the higher frequencies of the Higher Self into the body.
By bringing-in your God Self into your physical body we are jump starting your Enlightenment process tremendously. It forces the physical body to begin healing its self, and purifies the subtle bodies in the process. Your Christ Body will then act as your own internal doctor who knows exactly what you need on all levels. This includes the perfect relationship, occupation/career and life for you on your spiritual path.
This Empowerment literally brings about a New You ! You will be re-born in a very real sense of the word ! The Born-Again Christians talk about being re-born, but they can not offer you a method of getting there. This process actually rebirths you. Everyone goes through the 1st Birth (when the Soul comes into the fetus), but the 2nd Birth (when the God Self permanently anchors into the physical body) is extremely rare. It is so rare in fact, that even most of the currently living Saints in India and Tibet do not possess 100% of their God Self in their physical body. Several of Alearia’s family, friends, pupils and starseeds now have 100% of their God Self anchored permanently within their body already.
The final outcome of this process is that you will notice in the weeks, months and years to come that you are slipping deeper and deeper into the highest state of Enlightenment known as Equanimity ! see Equanitmity in “The Revealing” blog As you progress, you will begin to notice that you are becoming more and more emotionally detached in all areas of your life. Eventually you will come to a stage where you will be completely tranquil and unperturbable, and nothing will bother you. You will also notice that you will with time become fearless, even of death. When you reach this stage, all of your psychic abilities will surface, and you will also be blissful and happy.
Once the "Axiatonal Initiation" is received, it continues to work throughout your lifetime autonomously (on its own) ! It begins the process of complete Self Realization in earnest, and the eventual outcome from receiving this initiation is Complete Fearlessness, absolute Tranquility (Equanimity), and Peace of Mind, Blissfulness, and Oh Yeah - complete God Realization in this very lifetime ! After "Self Realization", the final outcome is "God Realization", due to the "Axiatonal Initiation" (without the aid of this initiation, the culmination of this process would require exhaustive spiritual practices, and would most probably take several more lifetimes to achieve).
Trance-Mediums are usually born into families which are somewhat less than privileged, but are still able to support them at least in some small way (if not emotionally). They usually feel dis-empowered for most of their lives, until they reach a point in their development where their God Self is ready to come into their body, and occupy it fully, and for the duration of this lifetime because for them, its graduation time from this Earth school - this third rock from the Sun - Yeah, Finally !
We need to experience life from all sides in order to be able to truly Master this Earth school. That means that we have probably been dark at least 50% of the time, and light at least 50% of the time through our thoughts, words, actions and deeds. It also means that we have had the opportunity to experience all manner of backgrounds, and heritages. We have had life times where we were every color in the Human rainbow; Black, White, Yellow, Brown, Red and everything in-between. This also means we have had to experience life from all angles as well, African, Latin, Canadian, American, Arab, Asian, Eurasian, European, Tropical Islander, Indigenous people from all continents, and everything in-between.
Trance-Mediums are usually "Color Blind", and usually like all manner of people. They usually enjoy learning about other cultures by people watching, and traveling to other lands if they have the opportunity and resources. They usually also have an eclectic blend of acquaintances, and enjoy learning, and participating in a wide variety of different cultural traditions and gatherings. They are usually very interested in spiritual matters as well because its part of their nature to want to grow, and meet and greet their true destiny - God Realization.
May God Shower Endless Love, Blessings and Joy Upon You Always, Alearia3
Here are the three categories of foods which effect your well-being according to the science of Ayurvedic Medicine - perhaps the most ancient form of health science in the world from India:
Satvic Food: These foods nourish the body the most, and provide the basis to help maintain the body in a peaceful state, calming the mind, enabling it to function at its maximum potential. These foods include cereals, wholemeal bread, fresh fruit and vegetables, pure fruit juices, milk, butter, cheese, legumes, nuts, seeds, sprouted seeds, honey and herb teas.
Rajasic Food: Foods that are very hot, bitter, sour, dry or salty are rajasic. Spicy foods are stimulating, and therefore are destructive to your "Mind-Body" equilibrium in that they feed the body at the expense of the mind. Too much rajasic food will over-stimulate the body and excite your passions, making the mind restless and uncontrollable. Rajasic foods include hot substances such as sharp spices or strong herbs. Stimulants like coffee and caffeine tea, fish, eggs, salt, and chocolate. Eating in a hurry is also considered rajasic.
Tamasic Food: An over-abundance of tamasic foods is very destructive to the "Mind-Body". Prana (energy), is withdrawn, powers of reasoning become clouded, and a sense of inertia sets in. The body's resistance to disease is destroyed, and the mind is filled with dark emotions, such as anger and greed. Tamasic items include meat, alcohol, tobacco, fermented foods such as vinegar, and stale or over-ripe substances. Overeating is also regarded as tamasic.
You will enter Equanimity by activating this Cleansing, therein bypassing the Ego Filter !
Love and Compassion are the two main ingredients in the soup of "Spiritual Evolution". If you look at the body's DNA, you will see a double helix configuration. If you turn this double helix on its side, and then overlap a wave of Negative Energy onto the model, you can see all of the places where the wave crosses the model.
Cleansing the Etheric Body
Cleansing the Astral Body
Cleansing the Emotional Body (All of your Emotions reside in this body)
Cleansing the Mental Body - (All of your Thoughts reside in this body)
Cleansing the Causal Body
Cleansing the Super Causal Body
Cleansing the Christ Body - (Also known as your Bliss Body)
Cleansing the Buddhaic Body (This body is in a constant state of Equanimity)
Cleansing the Monadic Body
(This Activation does Not bring you into Equanimity)
(This practice is used when you wish to experience being a co-creative associate with God. You will be shown how make a Mock-Up (a template from which you show the Universe what you wish to receive) so that you will be able to create your reality. Examples: a) Get the right job b) Parking already waiting for you when you arrive at your destination c) Lose weight . . . and much more)