I am delighted to present you with new teleseminar teachings to further develop your own Ascended Master skills. With all the shifts occurring for each of us individually as well as collectively, we are truly stepping into the remembrance of our true nature as these Master Beings as we move into Self Mastery. And as we step into a deeper level of Self Mastery, we are able to develop our fifth dimensional gifts of clairaudience, clairvoyance, intuition, precognition, telepathy, bi-location, manifestation, transfiguration, illumination and many others. These teachings give you the tools to assist you to develop these many gifts working with the energy of the rays Overlighted by the appropriate Co-Creative Council of Twelve, the archetypes, colors and primary quality to each ray.
Each one and a half hour teleseminar will cover an in-depth understanding of the related ray, as well as the guided visualization related to the particular Ascended Master skill you are working with.
In addition to this, you will have the opportunity to further facilitate this Ascended Master ESP Series should you complete all 14 teleseminars. To become a facilitator to this course, as well as being able to facilitate Ray Reading and Ray Healing sessions, you will need to have worked with the seven guided visualizations on The Seven Divine Rays, have a facilitator consultation and put your details up on our website. (A half hour facilitator consultation is $50 and webpage is $55) ~
And should you not be drawn to undertake all fourteen teleseminars, you may still join any one of the teleseminars that you are drawn too.
You will receive a high quality Mp3 recording of each teleseminar plus an additional Mp3 for the guided visualization covered in the teleseminar that you can listen to on a regular basis.
For payment for all 14 teleseminars at $308 (a discount of $154 in relation to individual teleseminars), please click here
For payment for individual teleseminars at $33 each, please click here
Payment for all fourteen teleseminars is requested on or before May 7th ~ if you are local to South Africa or the United Kingdom and would like to remit payment for the full series via our local bank account, please email info@pleiadianlight.net for banking details.
Message from the Elders
Sweet Beings,
We have put together a wonderful program called The Ascended Master ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) Series. This series primarily takes you into an extension of yourself as a Master Being, and the gifts that you develop through Self Mastery. You are the Ascended Masters we talk of, you are these radiant Beings of Light, experiencing your true nature and your Highest Potential. And the essence of your own illumination is to understand the strength and the power that you have within yourself. As the Earth plane is shifting so rapidly, so these changes are being made for each one of you individually, as well as collectively, to experience your Highest Potential, as these Master Being, fulfilling your service work through Service in Love; and finding for yourself not only the perfect balance of Will and Power, Love and Wisdom and Divine Intelligence respectively, collectively bringing through the energy of the three-fold flame but further to this, to magnetize, to manifest, to intuit, to have the vision to see; and to experience the knowing, the hearing and the sensing of your Higher Light and the Company of Heaven. To experience the gifts of teleportation or levitation, the body of light, the full activation of the 12 strand DNA and yes, the knowing of youthing the body as well as choosing immortality in a physical body.
In stepping into a deeper level of Self Love and illumination, linking your mind with the mind of Mother-Father-God, you are able to experience a flow, guided by your Higher Light, and this requires you to trust and surrender to the Divine. In this essence of aligning your will to the Divine Will of Mother-Father-God and operating more from your original Divine eight-cell blueprint, you take another step forward as an initiate into the realms of Illumined Truth. In this essence of experiencing the mind of God, you open yourself into the realms and dimensions of Light, allowing this Cosmic Light to activate the dormant DNA, not only through the energy of the super electron, in this highway of light information, but through your own light; through your Higher Light as your Higher Self of the light and the Christed Overself of the light, through your multidimensional Selves, through your Soul family and friends of the light. You accelerate your forward evolution, and take on this mantle of leadership in your own right by stepping into empowerment, by being able to voice your truth, by being able to express your Divinity. The challenges you face on this Earth plane, as a planet of polarity, will take you into a deeper level of your own evolution when you are able to see through the veils of illusion and the many gems through these lessons. Some of these challenges were placed before you through your own Soul contracts and karmic lessons, and others, from unseen forces or those working for their own benefit. And yet, we see how you are truly able to navigate through many of these moments, and can do so to a much higher degree if you re-experience and remember the many Ascended Master gifts that are yours to access freely. And this is what we present it to you, in this new series of teachings, The Ascended Master ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) Series.
With this, we bid you a most magical day.
Saturday, May 15th at 7:00pm GMT, 12:00pm PDT and 3:00pm EDT
Working with the first ray of will and power, and the archetype of the warrior, you work on developing the gift of precognition ~ the ability to "see" into the future, as well as mould probably realities through this gift into your current reality ~ in other words, this gift allows you to "see" not only the future, but allows you to see through your Master eyes the many paths and directions that can flow through the mutability of the fourth dimension, into this Now ~ the future changes as you shift in Consciousness and seeing these many paths and the best path to choose for yourself in this Now is indeed a most wonderful gift and most empowering ~ the first ray of Will and Power assists you to come into empowerment, trusting and surrendering to the Divine and through these various timelines bringing into your reality that which you wish to manifest as a Co-Creator to the Company of Heaven. Precognition gives you the vision, and through the flame of will and power and the warrior archetype, you see what you will create as your probably reality from a myriad landscape of possible realities. Precognition further allows you to "see" the reality that is already created and magnetize this into your Life in this Now. The first ray further assists you in clearing false beliefs and judgements at a cellular level with the assistance of your Higher Light and the appropriate Co-Creative Council of Twelve.
You are further given particular exercises to develop this gift of precognition.
Background music: Mike Hammer www.michaelhammer.com
Visualization: 23 minutes
Saturday, May 29th at 7:00pm GMT, 12:00pm PDT and 3:00pm EDT
Working with the second ray of Love-Wisdom and the archetype of the magical, innocent child, you experience the gift of intuition. Intuition flows best when you are connected to your Higher Light and in tune with your Self as this Master Being of Love. The energy of this second ray of Love-Wisdom through the blue flame of Lovetakes you into Self Love, Self nurturing and Self appreciation. The key is to connect the heart and mind through the energy of Love. Intuition gives you the gift of probable realities and the ability to bring this into your reality through following your "inner voice" . In developing this gift of intuition, you work with the second ray and the sacred flame of Love, as well as merge with the magical, innocent child, the child within yourself connected to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
As you let go of perceived stresses, and find the magic and joy in your Life, you experience a deeper connection to your magical innocent child as well as your Higher Light as your Higher Self of the Light and Christed Overself of the Light.
This ray further assists you in releasing aspects of the wounded child through loving and embracing this aspect of yourself.
You are further given particular exercises to develop the gift of intuition.
Background music: Mike Hammer www.michaelhammer.com
Visualization: 21 minutes
Saturday, June 12th at 7:00pm GMT, 11:00pm PDT and 2:00pm EDT
You develop the gift of telepathy, the ability to read the thought of others, through the third ray of Divine Intelligence and the archetype of the advocate. The third ray assists you to recognize the Divine equality of all Life and through this beautiful sacred yellow flame and Overlighting of the appropriate Co-Creative Council of Twelve, you develop the gift of telepathy. You travel initially to the Ascension Seat of the third ray in an external Merkaba vehicle of Light, working with the integration of this third ray.
In developing this gift of telepathy, you travel interdimensionally from dimension to dimension, connecting telepathically with Beings of Light on each dimension. You then come back to this reality where you focus on connecting telepathically with others. For telepathy focuses primarily through a horizontal connection of Light, in other words, in connecting with those on the same dimension. What is important in developing this gift is a clear connection into the realms of Illumined Truth and the Beings of Light from On High, and to do this, you develop the gift of Higher Mind Intelligence through the third ray, stepping out of the lesser and better than consciousness. You clear at a cellular level remnants of old patterns and false beliefs that may still be creating this third dimensional consciousness.
The advocate represents justice and Divine equality and as you merge with this archetype you experience yourself as the defender of justice and defender of all Life.
To accelerate this gift of telepathy, you are then taken into the Christ Consciousness grid in and around the earth plane and experience the ability to "hear" the Higher Mind from these Beings of Light. You then experience the portals of Light from the fourth to the ninth dimensions, experiencing the respective Christ Consciousness grids of Light to receive encodings of Light from the Beings of Light at each dimensional level as they communicate with you telepathically. Once these encodings of Light are activated further through the pineal and pituitary glands you will be receptive to understanding and hearing this communication of light or telepathic communication, generally with those on a similar wave length and dimension.
Background music: Mike Hammer www.michaelhammer.com
Visualization: 39 minutes
Saturday, June 26th at 7:00pm GMT, 12:00pm PDT and 2:00pm EDT
Transfiguration (Youthing and transforming the body)
The gift of transfiguration is focused primarily through the eighth ray of transcendence, a beautiful seafoam green and violet colored ray. As you travel to the Ascension Seat of the eighth ray, Overlighted by the appropriate Co-Creative Council of Twelve, you merge with the archetypes of the healer, warrior and artist. The healer brings through a new balance in frequencies of Light, the warrior gives you the strength to shift old paradigms, and the artist allows you to create multicoloured realities of One Unity Consciousness. This ray further assists you in removing blockages at a cellular level, and brings through a beautiful balance between the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Principles of Light. This ray gives you the freedom to explore your multidimensionality through your Master eyes as the ray focuses on transmutation, and the clearing of these old false beliefs and judgments held at a cellular level. Through the gift of transfiguration, you have the ability to youth your body, and get a glimpse into immortality, although you are primarily focused on creating a healthy body and mind. Through the exercises given for regeneration and transfiguration, you work both physically and energetically in finding the perfect balance of health and vitality, with the possibility to youth or transform the physical body.
Background music: Mike Hammer www.michaelhammer.com
Visualization: 25 minutes
Saturday, July 10th at 7:00pm GMT, 12:00pm PDT and 3:00pm EDT
Clairsentience is the ability to feel and sense the thoughts and feelings of others, while still being centered in your own energies. To energetically "hear the thoughts" and "feel the emotions" of others, and as well "sense" higher dimensional energies, would all falls under this umbrella.
In this guided visualization, you work with the ninth ray of Highest Potentials, Overlighted by the appropriate Co-Creative Council of Twelve and your own wonderful Higher Light as well as the archetypes of the shaman and mystic . You further work with the key quality of Purpose though Joy through this ray in a beautiful blue-green flame of Light.
You journey through the heart to particular emotions you may have suppressed to truly feel and experience your own energy and further intuit the feelings and emotions of others.
Following this, you merge with the archetypes of the shaman and mystic to experience the gift of clairsentience. The shaman roots you and grounds you and assists in bringing back any Soul fragments that you may need to integrate into your body, energy field and hologram in this Now. Further to this, the shaman takes you through the elements in sensitizing your energy field. The mystic connects you to the Beings of Light from On High and the realms of Illumined Truth, and through this, a deeper connection to your Master Guides and Guardian Angel. You are further given specific exercises to develop the gift of clairsentience.
Background music: Mike Hammer www.michaelhammer.com
Visualization: 25 minutes
Saturday, July 24th at 7:00pm GMT, 12:00pm PDT and 3:00pm EDT
To hear and sense "knowings" from the realms of Illumined truth, "hearing" or "sensing" Beings from On High and the teachings of Light, also known as channeling. Working with the tenth ray of Divinity and with the archetypes of the monk/nun and networker, you further explore this gift. The monk and nun and networker create a balance between stillness and stepping in a vertical alignment of Light in creating a bridge to the Company of Heaven and back to be able to share these teachings of Light at this dimensional level. The energy of the monk and nun may take you into being celibate for some time, but primarily it is taking you on a journey of working with Self, discovering your talents and gifts, as you reach a point of stillness and knowingness within yourself. Primarily being able to connect to the Beings of Light from On High, allowing them to guide you in knowingness and intuition, you connect on a deeper level, possibly in voices, musical tones, high pitched frequencies, downloads, or having simply the remembrance of parallel realities or Light activities, which could only be received from the Beings of Light from On High. The networker allows you to connect on different wavelengths, this is useful in not only receiving information, but also in sharing information to different groups of people.
In this guided visualization, you travel to the Ascension Seat of the tenth ray of Divinity, merging with these archetypes, and honoring yourself as this Ambassador of Light, and caretaker to this earth plane ~ the tenth ray of Divinity brings through a balance of the first three rays of will and power, Love-wisdom and Higher Mind intelligence. Overlighted by the appropriate Co-Creative Council of Twelve, you let go of any blockages you might have through this pearlescent flame of Divinity.
You are further given particular exercises in developing the gift of clairaudience, in a very protected and sacred space, cloaked in the pearlescent flame of Divinity and a Pillar of Light.
Background music: Mike Hammer
Visualization: 34 minutes www.michaelhammer.com
Saturday, August 7th at 7:00pm GMT, 12:00pm PDT and 3:00pm EDT
In this guided visualization, you work with the archetype of the mentor and the eleventh ray of Illumined Truth. The archetype of the mentor is one who has integrated the Higher mind teachings and shares this through wisdom and Love, and this amplifies the gift of clairvoyance. You travel to the Ascension Seat of the eleventh ray, surrounded in a beautiful pink-orange flame, as you take yourself into a deeper level of Self Love, Self appreciation and Self nurturing through the Overlighting of this beautiful ray focused through the Divine Feminine principles. This ray assists you in healing and clearing on a physical level, and further, into the experience of unconditional love. Additionally, this ray is focused on taking you into the Higher Mind teachings, which is amplified through merging with the mentor archetype. The mentor archetype has further made a study of Life through knowledge and different pathways, to find that all pathways simply led to the Light. The mentor is a powerful archetype in working with the gift of clairvoyance.
The gift of clairvoyance allows you the vision of many possible realities and further allows you to see these realities not only for yourself but for others too. However, it becomes important that you have integrated the higher mind teachings though the heart to be sure that these visions come from the fifth dimension rather than the distortions of the lower fourth dimensional frequencies or lower astral level. Through the energy of this ray, the gift of clairvoyance is amplified through the third eye, and the vision of where it is you may next like to go with your own service work ~ you are further given particular energy techniques to amplify this gift of clairvoyance, allowing you to see in images, and bringing with it, key insights and understandings.
Background music: Mike Hammer
Guided visualization: 26 minutes www.michaelhammer.com
Saturday, August 21st at 7:00pm GMT, 12:00pm PDT and 3:00pm EDT
Through the energy of the twelve ray of One Unity Consciousness and the archetype of the visionary, you work on developing the gift of bi-location. This twelfth ray is the Planetary ascension ray, holding a focus of all twelve rays, and further connects you into the Christ Consciousness grid within and around this earth plane. You work with this grid of Light and the healing of the earth and the healing of your own hologram. As you flow in illumination and truth, you are creating a greater Light on this earth plane. The visionary archetype gives you the vision of "sight" and the realities of One Unity Consciousness, and the ability to bring these realities into this Now. Further to this, the visionary has the vision and knowing as to what to do in each situation through this weaving of Life. As you merge with the visionary, you are given a new balance to create the change needed in any given moment. To experience this gift of bi-location, you connect to the Christ Consciousness grid and are given particular energy techniques. You further assist in the clearing of the lower bodies of Mother earth through bi-location
Background music: Mike Hammer
Guided visualization: 31 minutes www.michaelhammer.com
Saturday, September 4th at 7:00pm GMT, 12:00pm PDT and 3:00pm EDT
Manifestation of creative thought and the possibility of manifestation of inanimate objects ~ you work with the thirteenth ray of Solar Service, a combination of all twelve rays with a focus on Love-Wisdom. This copper-gold flame brings through an understanding of Unity Consciousness and Love-Wisdom as well as the ability to network in these weavings of Light. The artist and pioneer are the archetypes related to this ray that assist you in working with this gift of manifestation. Manifestation is the ability to achieve abundance in all areas of your Life, trusting and surrendering to the Divine and finding joy and purpose in your service work. You travel in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light to the Ascension Seat of the thirteenth ray and surrounded in this beautiful copper-gold flame and the Overlighting of the appropriate Co-Creative Council of Twelve, you look at taking your service work to a deeper level so you may experience a greater degree of abundance in all areas of your Life. In this manifestation of creative thought, you need to really be experiencing these frequencies; of what it is you would like to be creating and magnetizing into your Life. You merge with the archetype of the artist, taking on these creative gifts, and finding that most suited to your landscape. You are the Co-Creator to the Company of Heaven, and in this instance, working with the energy of creative expression. You then merge with the pioneer, experiencing the ability to ground your manifestation and to take them into new areas, finding and creating new creative outlets through this manifestation.
The energy of this ray through its copper-gold flame as well as the Overlighting of your Higher Light assists in releasing any judgments or false beliefs you may have that you are still holding you in a limited three dimensional reality.
You are further giving wonderful exercises to assist in this manifestation, not only for creative thought, but in the possibility of the manifestation of inanimate objects too.
Background music: Mike Hammer www.michaelhammer.com
Guided visualization: 29 minutes
Saturday, September 18th at 7:00pm GMT, 12:00pm PDT and 3:00pm EDT
Telekinesis is the movement of objects with the mind and psychokinesis is the production of motion in physical objects with the mind, such as bending a spoon. In this guided visualization you work with the fifteenth ray of Galactic Service and the archetypes of the goddess and inventor, and the gifts that come through with the integration of this ray. You travel in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light to the Ascension Seat of the fifteenth ray.
Surrounded in this beautiful silver-gold flame, bringing through a perfect balance of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine principles of Light, you focus on the right use of your sexual energy, and the awakening of the kundalini energy. This ray further clears false beliefs and judgments around issues of a sexual nature.
You merge with the archetype of the goddess, and through this merging, you experience the kundalini rising through each of the chakras. You then merge with the inventor archetype, bringing through an understanding of scientific principles, and in this instance, the perfect balance between the emotional and mental bodies. Further to this, you have the ability to bring these principles into this Now.
In working with this gift, it is to understand that inanimate objects, much like animate objects, are a band of consciousness, however low the frequency many be, and to connect with these objects is to understand this living intelligence. Further to this, these objects bear the shape of the star tetrahedron around their energy field, the geometry of Light found within all of nature and within and around our own bodies, and the sacred geometry we use to activate the Light Body/Merkaba.
You call upon the Nature Spirit Intelligence working with these objects, as you practise the gifts of telekinesis and psychokinesis.
(For this guided visualization, have a small spoon or teaspoon handy).
Background music: Mike Hammer www.michaelhammer.com
Guided visualization: 33 minutes
Saturday, October 2nd at 7:00pm GMT, 12:00pm PDT and 3:00pm EDT
Working with the fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service and the archetypes of the angel, liberator, and the priest/priestess, Illumination takes you into a point of infinite expansive or awakened Cosmic Consciousness awareness to hearing and sensing the Cosmic Mind and Heart of Mother/Father God. In essence Illumination is more of a necessary skill than a gift, for to truly experience Self mastery, Illumination is indeed a key.
You travel in an external Merkaba vehicle of Light to the Ascension Seat of the fourteenth ray of Interstellar Service experiencing the energy of illumination through your Higher Light and the appropriate Co-Creative Council of Twelve. As you awaken and activate the DNA, you take on the memories of being an earthly angel. You then merge with the archetype of the angel, experiencing yourself as this Divine Angelic Being of Light. You then merge with the liberator archetype, not only standing as a liberator of justice for all Life, but further to this, you take on the mantle of leadership, standing up for those not able to do this for themselves. Furthermore, the liberator takes you deeper into your Service work through working with individuals and groups in shifting the consciousness of humanity. As you merge with the priest/priestess archetype, you take on the memories of parallel lifetimes and realities of being the priest/priestess and awakening these dormant DNA encodings at this Now moment.
In the developing of this gift, you are given specific exercises working with the sacred geometry of the octahedron as well as lifting yourself in Cosmic Consciousness awareness into the higher dimensions. You are further giving insights and understandings as to how illumination can assist you in your everyday life.
You are already this illumined Self enlightened Being and you are simply re-experiencing this in this Now reality.
Background music: Mike Hammer www.michaelhammer.com
Guided visualization: 36 minutes
Saturday, October 16th at 7:00pm GMT, 12:00pm PDT and 3:00pm EDT
Teleportation is the ability to move matter from one point in time and space to another point in time and space instantaneously. In teleportation you have the ability to depart from one point and re-appear in another with the speed of thought. It is only possible to teleport a solid body where there is a perfectly balanced interchange between spirit and matter, in other words, in mastering yourself and understanding yourself as this Master Being, you have the ability to teleport.
In this Ascended Master series, you work with the sixteenth ray of Galactic Service in a beautiful golden flame and the key quality of expansiveness as well as the archetypes of the sage and mediator. The sage, wise woman, brings her ability to merge realities into one, holding a perfect balance of power, Love and wisdom and the mediator has the ability to shift frequencies and wavelengths to connect with all bands of consciousness. As you travel in Soul consciousness to the Ascension Seat of the sixteenth ray, you integrate the frequencies that will allow you truly step into self mastery.
Further to this, you work with mastery of physical laws, in particular, the law of gravity. For the laws on this earth plane have been created with the consensus of all who choose to incarnate here, and shapes and colors and sonic vibrations are created molecularly and physically according to those agreements. You cancel and erase agreements to participate in the concept of gravity for these particular Ascended Master skills. In addition to this, you take your lineage back into the Adam Kadmon blueprint, the perfected human form with the full 12 strand DNA activated and ask for this blueprint to be recreated holographically through your energy and hologram in this Now.
You are further given particular exercises and techniques in order to master the gift of teleportation.
Background music: Mike Hammer www.michaelhammer.com
Guided visualization: 36 minutes
Saturday, October 30th at 7:00pm GMT, 12:00pm PDT and 3:00pm EDT
Levitation is the ability to raise yourself from the ground using the physical body and the mind . In this guided visualization, you travel to the Ascension Seat of the seventeenth ray of Universal service. As you enter this Ascension Seat, you are surrounded in a beautiful platinum ray of Light as you focus on the key quality of Insightfulness. You further merge with the archetypes of the healer and mentor. The healer archetype has the gift of healing and through the healer archetype, you assist in healing any dis-comfort or dis-ease in the physical body, and clear out old blockages related to this. The mentor has the ability to share knowledge and wisdom from years of study and experience, and through the energy of the mentor, you have the ability to take your mind into the Higher Mind of Mother/Father God ~
For the exercises of levitation, you initially align the chakras through platinum spheres of Light to the dimensions of Light, clearing out anything that still needs to be cleared to bring through the codes of Light that will assist in the gift of levitation.
You then connect to Nature Intelligence and the appropriate Co-Creative Council of Twelve, along with your Higher Light, to firstly levitate your astral body, and following this, levitate the physical body.
In essence, you are given the gift of levitation through these exercises, as well as the understanding that this is another one of the Ascended Master skills defying the law of gravity. You work with creating a feather light physical body of light, through spinning the atoms and molecules in increased frequencies of light through the platinum flame of the seventeenth ray of Universal Service as well as particular breathing techniques.
Background music: Mike Hammer www.michaelhammer.com
Guided visualization: 42 minutes
Saturday, November 13th at 7:00pm GMT, 12:00pm PDT and 3:00pm EDT
In this Ascended Master series, you work with the eighteenth ray of Multi-Universal Service and the archetypes of the artist, visionary, Divine Mother and Divine Father. Physical immortality allows you to understand that not only is the Soul eternal but you can choose to remain in your physical form, and build the etheric, electronic body of the Light, the Adam Kadmon blueprint, creating this body of Light. To start this physical immortality process, is firstly to step into Love, living Life in Love, and allowing the DNA to unravel and present the multidimensional memories and increased frequencies of Light through the Spiritual Microtron. (The Spiritual Microtron can be described as radiating from the Cosmic Heart and Eternal Divine Light of Mother/Father God; potentially able to accelerate the frequency of Light in your body faster than the speed of common light through the persuasion of micro sub-atomic particles due to the splitting of the atom).
You travel to the Ascension Seat of the eighteenth ray and surrounded by the appropriate Co-Creative Council of Twelve and a beautiful diamond flame, you are transported into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. The key word here is Transcendence, experienced as enlightenment and at this stage, you have stepped into Self Mastery, experiencing simply the Light.
You merge with the artist archetype, experiencing all aspects to your creative nature and the ability to birth that which was previously unmanifest. The visionary archetype in this instance, takes you through parallel realities, giving you an understanding of your own physical immortality and initiations in the various time lines. As the archetypes of the Divine Mother and Divine Father merge with you, you experience a rebirth within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and the perfect balance of your polarities on both the inner and outer planes.
You are placed in an 12 Strand DNA Actualization Chamber of Light, activating all 12 Strands through your multidimensional Selves from the ninth dimensional Selves to your third dimensional Selves. You further build the sacred geometry of the Fruit of Life around your body and energy field as well as focus on the building of your Light Body, your etheric, electronic body of Light.
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How does the Teleconference work?
If you would like to join this teleconference, click on the related link to make payment via credit card or paypal. Once we have received your payment, we will send you a link to the pre-events page where we will be hosting the conference and a password will be sent to you 24 hours prior the event. On the appointed day and time, go back to this page so you can listen in via the web using windows media player, flash player or pop-up player via DSL, wireless or dial-up connection. If you are local to the States and would prefer to use a landline or mobile phone to listen into the conference, this number is also on this link page. These calls are free to US participants only.
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